Signed in as:
Signed in as:
- learn to use energies for healing
- Connect with different source for healing
- Elemental healing
- Fireball healing
- Get initiated with your dragon
- Protect your personal energy and places
- Use your past lives skills to enhance your healing
- Chakra balancing
- Open parallel realities for healing
- Manipulate the quantum field for healing
Rise Energy Certificate at the end of training.
AFTER PURCHASE please send an email to to get access.
- Powerful meditation to declutter the physical, mental, and intellectual aspects of your life.
- Merge with your Guiding star to see your purpose and path Ahead.
- Crystal healing for a strong immune system
- Get protection against underground water streams., electromagnetic waves, and Earth radiation so your cells can function in a healthy way.
- Release all karmic debts from both father and mother side
- Healing with the Sirius Sun and the golden nectar of Goddess Isis
- Merkaba Activation with Libra and Leo star systems
- Soul Family Unconscious karma healing
- How to communicate with the spirit world
- Healing Soul Family Karma
- Marma points - releasing stuck energies
- Balancing divine feminine and masculine energies for success
- Merkaba activation and manifestation with the stars
- Green light healing with the Universe
- Taste the rainbow - snake skin shrading
- How to be a yes man?
- Meet with Archangel Gabriel - free up your expressions, clearing communication channels
- Mindfulness for resilience
- Let go made easy with the Sedona method - attracting abundance
January 2023
- Healing with the 5 elements
- Fireball Healer initiation
- Pyramid protection
- Cord cuttings with prana sword
4 Feb 2023
Full Moon ritual
- Karmic debts and ancestral defect
- Ascended Masters
- Guided Meditation to meet your chosen ascended master
18 Feb 2023
Karmic past lives and how to deal with them
- "Ignite your passion" meditation
- Akashic record reading about a connection with a specific person
4 March 2023
Meeting with your Spirit guides to receive advice and healing
- Ignite your extra sense
- Heart chakra cleansing with secret geometry
18 March 2023
What is Karma Healing?
- Powerful spiritual technique to attract likeminded clients and tribe (guided meditation with pineal gland activation - bending reality in Delta brainwaves)
- Quantum Healing: experience the power of quantum healing (healing exercise)
1 April 2023
Meet with Archangel Uriel - healing and guidance
- Subconscious drawing exercise - mind-blowing results with personalized analysis
- Relationship fix - through karma healing
15 April 2023
Meet with Archangel Raphael - healing and guidance
- Manifest New Clients and Money - Karma Vortex Exercise
- Introducing Merkaba - Chariot of the Gods
6 May 2023
Meet with Archangel Michael - Release fear and cords of attachments
- What is Sekhem Healing
- Let go made easy with the Sedona method - healing the body
20 May 2023
Meet with Archangel Gabriel - free up your expressions, clearing communication channels
- Mindfulness for resilience
- Let go made easy with the Sedona method - attracting abundance
10 June 2023
- Merkaba activation and manifestation with the stars
- Green light healing with the Universe
- Taste the rainbow - snake skin shrading
- How to be a yes man?